ccr cispes foia


CCR CISPES FOIA is a term used to describe a legal battle that has been ongoing for several years. The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) have been fighting for the release of documents related to the FBI's surveillance of their organizations in the 1980s. The documents were requested through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The CCR and CISPES claim that the FBI engaged in unlawful surveillance and that the documents will provide evidence of this wrongdoing. The FBI, however, has refused to release the documents, citing national security concerns.

Why is CCR CISPES FOIA Important in 2023?

The CCR CISPES FOIA case is important in 2023 because it highlights the ongoing struggle for government transparency and accountability. The FOIA was enacted in 1966 with the goal of providing citizens with access to government information. However, government agencies often resist FOIA requests and withhold information, citing national security concerns.
The CCR and CISPES are fighting for the release of documents that are over 30 years old. This case serves as a reminder that the fight for government transparency is ongoing and that citizens must remain vigilant in holding their government accountable.

How Does CCR CISPES FOIA Affect You?

The outcome of the CCR CISPES FOIA case could have implications for all Americans. If the FBI is allowed to withhold documents related to surveillance of nonviolent organizations, it sets a dangerous precedent. It could allow the government to engage in surveillance of any organization, without oversight or accountability.
Furthermore, the case highlights the importance of the FOIA and the need for citizens to have access to government information. Without access to information, citizens cannot make informed decisions or hold their government accountable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Why is the FBI refusing to release the documents?

A: The FBI claims that the documents contain sensitive information that could harm national security if released. However, the CCR and CISPES argue that the documents are over 30 years old and do not contain any current sensitive information.

Q: What would happen if the documents are released?

A: If the documents are released, they could provide evidence of unlawful surveillance by the FBI. This could lead to accountability for those involved and could set a precedent for increased government transparency.


The CCR CISPES FOIA case is an important reminder of the ongoing struggle for government transparency and accountability. The fight for access to government information is essential for citizens to make informed decisions and hold their government accountable. The outcome of this case could have implications for all Americans and highlights the need for continued vigilance in holding our government accountable.